We welcome organizations that would like to sponsor our concerts, musical selections, and musicians.
Season Sponsor
Sponsors at the $10,000 level will be recognized with an announcement at all three season concerts, a banner at each concert, acknowledgment on the front page of the concert program, and a full-page color advertisement on the inside front cover or back cover of the program; prominent acknowledgment in email and social media promotions, press releases, and media advertising; company profile, logo, and link listed on SBCP website, in concert programs, and on all concert advertising; invitation to all rehearsals for the season and 10 complimentary season tickets
Concert Sponsor
Sponsors at the $5000 level will be recognized with an announcement at the concert, on signage at the concert, and a full-page advertisement in the concert program; acknowledgment in email and social media promotions, press releases, and media advertising; their logo on the SBCP website, in the program, and on all advertising for the concert; invitation to all rehearsals for the concert and 20 complimentary concert tickets
Conductor Sponsor
Sponsors at the $2000 level will be recognized with a personal introduction by the conductor at the concert, on signage at the concert, and a half-page advertisement in the concert program; acknowledgment in email and social media promotions, press releases, and media advertising; their logo on the SBCP website, in the program, and on all advertising for the concert; invitation to a rehearsal and 10 complimentary concert tickets
Program Selection Sponsor
Sponsors at the $1000 level will be recognized in the concert program by the selected piece, on signage at the concert, and a quarter-page advertisement in the concert program; acknowledgment in email and social media promotions, press releases, and media advertising; their logo on the SBCP website, in the program, and on all advertising for the concert; 4 complimentary tickets to the concert
Musician Sponsor
Sponsors at the $300 level will be recognized in the list of musicians for the instrument/individual of their choice with “Chair sponsored by…” stated on the program, their Logo on the SBCP website and in the program, and 2 complimentary tickets to the concert
Founders Circle
For a donation of $1000 or over you will receive four complimentary tickets to each concert in the current series, placement of an ad or acknowledgement in our programs, and recognition on our website.
Patrons Circle
For a donation of $500 to $999 you will receive two complimentary tickets to each concert in the current series, acknowledgement in our programs, and recognition on our website.
Associates Circle
For a donation of $100 to $499 you will receive two complimentary tickets to a concert of your choice and recognition on our website.
Friends of the Orchestra
For a donation of $50 to $99 you will receive one complimentary ticket to a concert of your choice and recognition on our website.
The Santa Barbara players aim to provide low-cost tickets for all concerts and complementary tickets for K-12 students. Please support our mission by donating. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, and your donation may be tax deductible.